September 19, 2024



6 Types of Renewable Energy for Kids: Solar, Wind, Biomass, Hydropwer

6 Types of Renewable Energy for Kids: Solar, Wind, Biomass, Hydropwer

In this article, we will explore different types of energy, renewable energy, non-renewable energy, types of renewable energy, and some fun facts about renewable energy.

Renewable energy: Re + new + able means capable of being renewed. This means renewable energy doesn’t deplete when used and has an endless supply.

Renewable energy refers to all those limitless energy sources present in nature that are naturally replenished. For instance, solar power from the sun is a renewable source of energy because the sun’s sunlight is an everlasting source of energy.

Large turbines in windy areas generate electricity through air currents. Depending on its size, an individual wind turbine can provide the required electricity for a single home or business, while large-scale wind farms can produce power for the entire city.

Just as we produce wind energy by using the wind to move giant turbines, similarly, we generate hydroelectric power by using the water from dams, rivers, and reservoirs to move the turbines. The powerful flow of water moves the turbines, which, in turn, generate electricity.

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