September 8, 2024



Selected the Wrong Stream? Expert Tips to Get Back on Track!

13 min read
Selected the Wrong Stream? Expert Tips to Get Back on Track!

Selecting the right stream is one of the most important decisions of your student life, as your career is dependent upon it. Selecting the wrong stream can make you ineligible for your dream career. Learn how to recover if you’ve selected the wrong stream.
It is quite normal to think like, “I am confused about my career after 10th.”Are you thinking the same, and thinking whether you have selected the right stream or not? Through the course of this article, we will first explore some signs of choosing the wrong stream, how you can check if you are studying the right subjects or not. Then we will move on to some steps you can take to rectify your mistake by exploring various career streams which you may consider.
Factors that contribute to choosing the wrong stream:
Many students go for the wrong career stream selection after 10th because of many reasons. Let us have a look at the top contributing factors that might make you choose the wrong stream selection after 10th.
1) External pressure: Parents, family members, and teachers may have their own ideas about what they believe is the best career path for a student. Pressure to conform to these expectations can lead students to choose a stream based on others’ desires rather than their own interests and aptitudes.
2) Lack of self-awareness: Some students may not have had the opportunity or guidance to explore their interests and strengths fully. Without knowing their passions and talents, they may make uninformed decisions about their academic path.
3) Limited exposure to options: In some educational systems or environments, students may not have the chance to explore a wide range of subjects and potential career paths. The lack of exposure can limit their understanding of various streams and lead to a narrow decision-making process.
4) Societal stereotypes and gender biases: Cultural norms and gender biases can influence students’ perceptions of certain fields. For example, some professions may be traditionally associated with specific genders, leading students to choose or avoid certain streams based on these stereotypes.
5) Fear of the unknown: Choosing a familiar or popular stream, even if it’s not personally fulfilling, can be driven by a fear of taking risks or stepping into the unknown. This fear may prevent students from exploring less conventional paths that align better with their interests.
6) Limited career guidance: Inadequate or unavailable career counseling in educational institutions can leave students without the necessary information and support to make well-informed decisions about their academic and career choices.
7) Peer pressure: Students might feel compelled to follow the same stream as their friends or classmates to maintain a sense of belonging. This pressure to conform can influence decisions and override their genuine interests.
8) Lack of exposure to real-world applications: Some students may not understand how the subjects they study translate into practical applications or careers. Without this understanding, they may struggle to see the relevance and potential of their chosen stream.
9) Limited academic performance data: Past academic performance might not always accurately reflect a student’s true interests and potential. Relying solely on grades without considering other factors can lead to overlooking a more suitable academic path.
10) Limited financial resources: Economic constraints can influence a student’s choice of stream. Financial considerations may lead them to choose a stream that seems more practical or economically viable, even if it’s not their preferred choice.
To address these challenges, it’s crucial to provide comprehensive career counseling and guidance programs in educational institutions. Encouraging an environment that values individuality and self-exploration can empower students to identify their passions and make informed decisions about their academic and career paths. Additionally, promoting inclusivity and challenging stereotypes can help students explore a diverse range of streams without limitations based on societal norms. Overall, a well-rounded and supportive approach to educational and career planning can help students find a stream that aligns with their interests, strengths, and long-term goals.
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Signs You are Stuck in the Wrong Stream:
The majority of students find it difficult to understand whether they have selected the right stream or not. Here are a few hints and signs, which can warn you regarding the wrong stream selection. All these points work in conjunction and thus are generally found together.
Lack of Concentration/Sleeping During Class?
You have attended multiple classes, trying to understand things, but every time you try to focus your mind becomes blank. You feel sleepy, and checking the watch after every 5 minutes is your favorite pastime. If this is the situation, you are studying something in which you have no interest. This could be a possible alarm of changing your stream.
Dipping Scores/Feeling inadequate with subjects?
You have always been a good scorer, but suddenly your scores are taking a hit. You are giving your 100%, but still, nothing is working out. It might be that your best-fit subjects are not the ones you are studying right now. Struggling with material you’re not passionate about can lead to feelings of inadequacy and self-doubt. This can lower your confidence in your academic abilities.
Books are No Longer Your Best Friends?
You have stopped spending time with your previous best friends – your books. You don’t even feel like opening the books and making that extra effort. You are dedicated, and a bright student, but you are having a hard time in managing studies.
No interest in the subjects you are studying?
When you lack interest in the subjects you’re studying, it can lead to a disconnection between you and the learning process. This disinterest can hinder your ability to fully grasp the concepts and can make even basic tasks feel like a struggle.
Lack of motivation to study?
Without intrinsic motivation, it becomes challenging to find a reason to put effort into your studies. As a result, you might find yourself cramming before exams or completing assignments half-heartedly, which can negatively impact your learning outcomes.
Unenjoyable classes?
Spending time in classes you don’t enjoy can lead to a negative attitude toward education in general. It may create a negative association with learning, making it harder to embrace new challenges in the future.
Lack of vision for a future career?
If you can’t see how your current course of study matches your career goals, it can cause anxiety and uncertainty. Without direction, you may feel lost.
Stress and anxiety?
Stress and anxiety can increase due to disinterest, poor performance, and uncertainty. Academic stress can negatively impact sleep, appetite, and overall health.
Hence, if you are not able to concentrate in class, subjects seem boring, you are not able to score even after putting in the efforts, then you might be trapped in the wrong stream. You should be very careful with the fact that there can be certain issues in your personal life which are disturbing you. The signs provided here are just an indication that something is wrong.
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Step-by-step guide on how to change your stream
Changing your stream or academic major requires careful consideration and planning. Here are the steps to guide you through the process:
1) Self-assessment: Economic constraints can influence a student’s choice of stream. Financial considerations may lead them to choose a stream that seems more practical or economically viable, even if it’s not their preferred choice.
2) Research available streams: Investigate the different streams or majors offered by your educational institution or other universities/colleges. Look into the curriculum, course requirements, and potential career paths associated with each stream.
3) Seek guidance: Speak with academic advisors, career counselors, teachers, or mentors about your interest in changing streams. They can provide valuable insights, discuss potential challenges, and guide you in making a well-informed decision.
4) Review prerequisites and requirements: Check the prerequisites for the new stream you wish to join. Some streams may have specific entry requirements, such as certain courses or minimum GPA thresholds. Ensure you meet these requirements before proceeding.
5) Consider the timing: Assess whether it’s best to change your stream at the beginning of a new academic year or during a specific enrollment period. Timing can impact the availability of courses and how smoothly the transition occurs.
6) Talk to professors or instructors: Discuss the subjects and learning environment with faculty from the stream you’re considering. This can help you decide if it’s right.
7) Prepare for potential challenges: Changing streams may come with challenges, such as having to catch up on prerequisite courses or adapting to a different academic culture. Be prepared for these challenges and commit to overcoming them with dedication and perseverance.
8) Discuss with your parents or guardians: Keep your family informed about your decision and explain your reasons for changing streams. Their support can be essential during this process.
9) Formulate an action plan: Create a step-by-step plan for changing streams. Outline the courses you need to take, the paperwork to be completed, and the deadlines involved. Having a well-structured plan will make the transition smoother.
10) Complete administrative procedures: Inform your academic institution about your intention to change streams and follow their guidelines for the necessary paperwork or applications.
11) Stay positive and flexible: Embrace the change with a positive mindset. Be open to new experiences and possibilities, as switching streams can lead to exciting opportunities for personal and academic growth.
12) Take advantage of orientation programs: Attend orientation programs or events for students in the new stream. This will help you get acquainted with the department, faculty, and fellow students, making your transition more comfortable.
13) Network with peers: Engage with students already in the new stream and seek advice from them. They can offer insights into the courses, professors, and resources available in the department.
14) Stay committed and dedicated: Changing streams can be challenging, but stay committed to your decision. Dedicate time and effort to excel in your new courses and embrace the learning process.
Getting Back on Track After Selecting the Wrong Stream:
Now, there are definitely ways to get out of a wrong stream decision. Let’s find out what they are! 
What if you have taken Science?
Are Physics, Chemistry and Biology nothing less than a nightmare for you? Even if you have studied science subjects in your class 11th & 12th, but do not wish to do so anymore, don’t worry! After your class 12th boards, you can switch to any field you wish- Commerce or Humanities. The first thing you should do is search for alternative courses, and gain as much information as possible on them. 
What if you have taken Commerce?
If Business Studies is boring, numbers make you feel lost, and you have no interest in understanding the concepts of balance sheets & company accounts, you are stuck in the world of commerce. Don’t worry, an escape is possible. First, there are various courses, such as BBA. which will allow you to skip hardcore mathematics in commerce. And if you want to leave this completely, you can change your stream after 12th commerce. 
What If you have taken Humanities?
You cannot switch to any other field, but you may not even know about various arts stream career options available. You might not be liking  it due to the amount of theory involved in subjects like History, Civics,Geography, etc. But there is a lot more in the humanities stream. We will explore other arts stream career options in the upcoming sections.
How to Change your Stream After Class 12th?
It would be a wise choice to read the eligibility in detail, and about various course choices which are available in the market. Now, if you believe that you have made the wrong choices, find below the routes to change it to the correct stream. 
If you Wish to Change Your Stream to Commerce
The most popular commerce courses in undergraduation are BBA, B.Com, BBE, etc. There are also some professional courses which you can pursue along with graduation, such as Chartered Accountancy (CA), Company Secretary (CS), CFA, etc. Science students are eligible for all commerce related courses, but some of the courses will require mathematics as eligibility criteria. B.Com (Hons) in a majority of the colleges will require Mathematics. BBA (also termed as BMS) in Delhi University, Narsee Monjee will require mathematics. On the other hand, other top colleges/Universities such as IP University, Christ University, IIM- Indore, Symbiosis University etc. do not require mathematics as an eligibility criteria. Admission in all the above mentioned colleges is through the entrance exams that assess your logical reasoning, numerical aptitude, vocabulary, English comprehension, general awareness etc. are evaluated.
If you Wish to Change Your Stream to Humanities/Arts
According to the latest trends, the scope in art stream career options is immense and is continuously growing. Humanities or Arts include more than just the traditional History, Geography or Political Science. You can make the best career in the arts stream. Some of them include Mass Communication, Psychology, Hotel Management, Culinary Arts, Baking,Design, Management and the list is never ending.  There are multiple career options available, it is just important to understand which would be the best fit for you. It is always possible to switch your field, but it is important to take a decision only after you have gained sufficient information. If you need help with the right step forward, get expert help. 
How to adapt to your chosen stream?
Succeeding in a stream/subjects chosen requires dedication, adaptability, and a proactive approach. Here are some tips to help you succeed:
1) Set clear goals: Define specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals for your academic journey in the new stream. Having clear objectives will provide you with direction and motivation to work towards your desired outcomes.
2) Stay organized: Create a study schedule that allocates time for lectures, assignments, and revision. Keep track of important deadlines and create a system to organize your study materials, notes, and resources.
3) Build a support network: Collaborate with classmates who share your academic interests. Forming study groups can be beneficial for discussing difficult topics, sharing ideas, and holding each other accountable for studying.
4) Embrace a growth mindset: Believe in your ability to learn and improve. View challenges as opportunities for growth rather than as obstacles. Learn from mistakes and setbacks, and see them as stepping stones towards success.5) Stay engaged in class: Actively participate in classroom discussions, ask questions, and take notes. Engaging with the material during lectures enhances your understanding and helps you retain information better.6) Use various learning resources: Besides textbooks, explore online resources, educational videos, and interactive platforms to reinforce your understanding. Different learning approaches can cater to various learning styles.
7)   Seek real-world applications: Connect theoretical knowledge with practical applications by seeking internships, research opportunities, or projects in your field of study. Hands-on experiences can deepen your understanding and make learning more meaningful.
8)   Stay curious and explore: Go beyond the required curriculum and explore related subjects or topics that pique your curiosity. This curiosity-driven learning can enhance your passion for the field and lead to a deeper understanding.
9) Monitor your progress: Regularly assess your progress towards your goals. Use self-assessment, quizzes, or practice exams to identify areas that need improvement and adjust your study strategies accordingly.
10) Balance academics and well-being: Prioritize self-care and manage stress effectively. Ensure you get enough rest, engage in physical activities, and take breaks to maintain a healthy balance between academic commitments and personal well-being.
11) Stay consistent: Consistency is essential for success. Aim to study regularly rather than relying on last-minute cramming. Consistent efforts yield better results in the long run.
12) Remain resilient: Understand that challenges and setbacks are a part of the learning process. Stay resilient in the face of difficulties, maintain a positive attitude, and believe in your ability to overcome obstacles.
You can increase your chances of success in your new field by implementing these strategies and remaining committed to your academic journey. Remember that learning is an ongoing process, and that every step forward, no matter how small, contributes to your growth and achievements.
Q: Which stream is best for fashion designing?
Answer: There is no one best stream for fashion designing. Arts, science, and commerce are all good options. Consider your interests, strengths, and goals when making your decision
Q: What to do as I am confused about my career after 10th?
Answer: Here are some things you can do: explore your interests and strengths, talk to your parents, teachers, and counselors, do some research, and get some experience. Remember, it’s okay to change your mind about your career path.
Q: Will repeating class 11 affect my career?
Answer: Repeating class 11 may have a minor impact on your career, but it is not a major setback. If you work hard and do well in your second attempt, you will be able to recover from it.
 Q: Will changing streams impact my career?
Answer: Changing streams can impact your career, but it does not have to be a negative impact. If you change streams to a field that you are more interested in and that you are better suited for, you may be more successful in your career. However, it is important to do your research and make sure that you are making the right decision before you change streams.
If you too have had a stream changing experience, or are currently undergoing the effects of a wrong stream, we would love to hear from you. Please share your experiences or queries with us in the comments below!
Q: Are there any arts stream jobs?
Answer: Yes, there are plenty of arts stream jobs available in today’s world. Some of them include Painter, Actor/Actress, Writer/Author, Graphic Designer, Musician, Photographer, Art Teacher/Instructor, Museum Curator, Interior Designer, Art Therapist, Psychologist, Archeologist, Research Specialist, Analyst etc,
Q: What are the science stream career options after 12th?
Answer: There are many science stream career options some of them include Doctor, Research Scientist, Engineer, Pharmacist, Computer Scientist/Software Engineer, Biotechnologist, Astronomer, Environmental Scientist, Mathematician, Data Scientist etc.

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