September 19, 2024



A Gritty Start to India’s Crime Throne Saga

A Gritty Start to India’s Crime Throne Saga

The Indian TV series “Murshid,” streaming on ZEE5 Global, kicks off with a bang in its first episode, setting the stage for a gritty crime drama that echoes the likes of “Narcos” and “Scarface.” If you’ve been waiting for a show that’s more edge than polish, “Murshid” might be just what you need.
From Bombay to Mumbai: The Dual Worlds of Crime
The episode begins in 1993 Bombay, and boy, does it make an impression. We’re introduced to a mysterious character with a majestic mane that would put even Fabio to shame. This guy isn’t just a pretty face, though—he’s got the attitude to match. Within minutes, he’s talking smack to someone who dared to sell product without permission. This tense exchange quickly escalates, making it clear that this long-haired dude named Murshid is no one to mess with. The scene, where he calmly shoots a man in broad daylight, exudes confidence and reminds us of Denzel in “American Gangster.”
But if you think this show is going to be all style and no substance, think again. The story soon shifts to present-day Mumbai, where the plot thickens. Now we’re dealing with Taliban connections and double-crosses, making the stakes higher and the drama more intense.
The Good, The Bad, and The Confusing
While the story keeps you on the edge of your seat, the camera work leaves something to be desired. I came in hoping for “Narcos,” but the cinematography doesn’t always deliver the gritty realism I was expecting. Some scenes feel a bit too cheesy for my taste, like the interrogation scene that could’ve used a touch more finesse.
That said, the acting starts off shaky but gets better as the episode progresses. The story, however, is what keeps you hooked. The tension builds nicely, and by the time we reach the end of the episode, you’re left wondering how this tangled web of crime, power, and betrayal will unfold.
The Crime Bosses and Their Schemes
We soon learn that the long-haired guy isn’t the top dog—there’s a bigger fish named Murshid, the retired kingpin of crime in India. The plot gets juicier when it’s revealed that the driver involved in the drug deal is none other than Junaid, Murshid’s youngest son. Talk about a twist!
Murshid, having handed over his empire to Farid after his eldest son’s death, now finds his youngest caught in a web of betrayal. The episode ends on a cliffhanger that makes you wonder: what’s Murshid going to do when he finds out? And how will this play out for the rest of the season?
Final Thoughts
The first episode of “Murshid” is a promising start to what could be a thrilling ride. The writing is strong enough to pull you through the occasional hiccups in camera work and acting. If you’re into crime dramas that mix classic gangster vibes with modern twists, this show is worth a watch.

Murshid Episode 1 Review: A Tale of Crime, Power, and Betrayal

Acting – 7/10

Cinematography/Visual Effects – 6/10

Plot/Screenplay – 8/10

Setting/Theme – 8/10

Watchability – 9/10

Rewatchability – 7/10

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