October 10, 2024



Top 10 Side Hustles for Newbies and Start Making Online

Top 10 Side Hustles for Newbies and Start Making Online

Buzzwords and phrases are usually annoying…things like “blue-sky thinking” or “synergy” can make the hairs on the back of your neck stand on end – and don’t even get me started on “dynamic”. Whilst this is true as a generalized statement, there are a few buzzes out there that are acceptable – like “side hustle”. If you don’t have a side hustle yet, don’t worry because your time is coming. Side hustles often start small but they have the potential to grow into something amazing if you just nurture them. It is completely okay if you’re new to this, the best part about side hustles is that they’re usually not that hard and most of the time they are something you’re already good at, you just haven’t monetized yet. Take these 10 examples below, any thinking individual can take on any one of these hustles and be successful…BloggerBlogging can make you a couple of thousand dollars a month in just your first year if you play your cards right. Your blog can make you money with just 10 000 views per month so curate your content carefully and you’ll be rolling in dough in no time. Pick a genre that is close to your heart and your head – ideally something you know a lot about and also something you love.Craigslist ResellerBuying and selling things can make you a surprising amount of mullah. One man’s trash will always be another man’s treasure and you need to play this to your advantage. With an efficient courier service, like UPS, you can buy and sell goods across the country with relative ease. As you ease into the art of reselling, remember to take notes as you go along. You will soon learn that there is a unique ebb and flow to this type of side hustle. Even if you hit a dry patch along the way, don’t give up – being a reseller on Craigslist can make you a ton of cash.Uber DriverSome people are just born to be drivers, if this sounds a lot like you then your next side hustle should be becoming an Uber driver. If you’re feeling fancy then feel free to drive for the fancier side of Uber, you can think of yourself as a modern-day chauffeur – feel free to dress up. All you need is a valid driver’s license, a licensed vehicle, and proof of residence. Uber drivers collect around $25 per hour of driving, which is not bad going considering you’re just someone’s ride from point A to point B.InfluencerInfluencers earn staggering amounts of money when they’re good at what they do. If you live on Instagram or TikTok then this is the perfect side hustle for you. All you need is tons of valuable followers and to find the right niche for you. Beauty bloggers are always a fan favorite; just make sure that you know what you’re talking about. Be warned though that your social media audience will be able to spot someone fake and insincere so try to not push your luck. It may help you, when you first start out, to look into buying Instagram followers, as this can have an effect on your organic growth. If you Subscribe now to platforms such as Buzzoid, you can see how this will get you the visibility you need.Day TraderDay trading can make you up to $12 500 a month if you’re good at it, that is some serious cash dollar for something you can learn pretty quickly. If you’re interested in this awesome side hustle then sign up for day trading training lessons and let the pros show you how it is done. Day trading is one of the most popular forms of financial markets trading strategies and for good reason. Do a little research and you’ll soon know if this is something you’re interested in, even the average day trader makes around $5500 a month – we can’t argue with that.Article WriterWriting articles is a great way to make money on the side. The average writer earns around $50 per 500-word article. If you’re a talented creative writer then you should strongly consider this for your next side hustle. Do a quick Google search and you’ll soon find out that there are loads of places where you can offer your writing services.Social Media ManagerA side career in social media management is easy when you know what you’re doing. Take a short course so you know your way around this field. Intermediate social media managers can charge up to $100 per hour, which is a decent amount of money to make on the side. If you find that you’re particularly good at it then you should consider a jump into full-time management.Graphic DesignerGraphic designers can make a decent living by working part-time so this doesn’t have to be your side hustle – if you’re talented then it can easily become a great way to work part-time and earn a decent living. It is strongly recommended that you bill by the hour and not by the project, you’ll soon learn that your customers can take advantage of you if you’re being paid on completion.Online TutorThis side hustle is great for those people who are gifted, talented, or well-experienced in a certain area. You could choose between online video tutoring with your clients or you could try your hand at creating an online course through an institution like Udemy. If you’re articulate and concise then you can also write an eBook, these can be sold by the unit online which greatly increases your market reach.Personal ShopperLast, but never least, is the refined art of personal shopping. Spending other people’s money is one of the greatest feelings that you will ever experience. You do need to know that being a personal shopper is not always as glamorous as it sounds – think less along the lines of designer outfits and more along the lines of picking out pet accessories. The average personal shopper makes $25 per hour, the more experienced curators can charge up to three times that amount on the higher end. The average luxury shopper earns about double the amount that a standard shopper does.

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