October 10, 2024



How Government Policies Affect Daily Lives of Citizens [Example: Food Subsidy]

How Government Policies Affect Daily Lives of Citizens [Example: Food Subsidy]

Recently, the Indian government announced the release of Rs.97,000 crore, which is about 66% of the total estimated food subsidy for the financial year 2025, to the Food Corporation of India (FCI) upfront. This significant financial move raises several questions about its implications for the economy, consumer prices, and even investment opportunities. As we delve into this topic, we’ll explore what this means for the average citizen looking at this even from a core personal finance angle.About food subsidies in IndiaFood subsidies are essentially financial aids provided by the government. It helps to keep the prices of essential food items stable.This is particularly crucial in a country where a large population depends on affordable food to meet their daily needs. By releasing this subsidy amount upfront, the government is ensuring that the FCI can operate smoothly.They need not rely on more expensive short-term loans.This reduces interest expenses, ultimately lowering the financial burden on taxpayers. After all, all subsidies are financed by the tax revenue collected by the government from people like me and you.Analogy: FCI and Our Grocery StoreImagine you run a small grocery store.If the suppliers of your essential items, like rice and wheat, can deliver consistently without delays, you can keep your prices stable, right?However, if they frequently run into financial problems, they might charge higher prices or delay deliveries. As a result, you may need to raise prices to cover these increased costs and maintain stock availability.Hence, it is essential for your supplier to stay financially healthy. In our example, the supplier to the grocery stores is the FCI.By ensuring that the FCI has the funds it needs, the government is in a way working to stabilize food prices for consumers across the country.Economic Impact of Food Reserves with the FCIThe FCI is currently holding a surplus of grains, with 55.08 million tonnes of grain, including 31.23 million tonnes of rice. This is significantly above the buffer stock requirement.Having such a large stockpile means that the government has the capacity to manage food availability even in times of crisis. It provides a safety net, ensuring that food remains accessible to those who need it most.However, the downside is that when there is an excess of any commodity, prices can be affected. For instance, if the FCI has a surplus of rice, it could lead to lower prices in the market. From the consumers perspective it is a good thing but on the other hand it could hurt farmers’ incomes.Farmers may find themselves receiving lower prices for their produce. Most of farmers in India can barely make both ends meet. Lowering of price of food grains will make it even more challenging for them to sustain their livelihoods.A balance is crucial.The government must find a way to liquidate surplus stocks without creating a scenario that is detrimental to farmers. The government can liquidate surplus stocks by exporting excess grains. It will not only support the current domestic prices but also support farmers through export incentives.Moreover, the government’s strategy to manage its grain stocks involves open market sales. Here the government sells surplus stocks, like rice or wheat, directly to private buyers. The buyers can be wholesalers or retailers. The items are sold at a predetermined price to manage supply and stabilize prices.Let’s assume that the FCI has begun selling surplus rice at a subsidized rate of ₹28 per kilogram.While this initiative aims to clear excess stocks, it has received a lukewarm response from buyers. This situation poses an interesting dilemma for consumers and businesses dealing in agriculture related products and services.On one hand, lower prices are good for consumers. On the other hand, if the demand remains low, it could indicate deeper issues in the market.What can be the issue? A lack of consumer purchasing power or preferences shifting away from staple grains.How Government Policies Affect BusinessesAgricultural Equipment ManufacturersThere are implications for various sectors, especially those involved in agriculture, logistics, and food processing. If the government continues to manage food supplies effectively, it could create stable market conditions.How to do effective management of food suppliers? Here are a few examples:Releasing surplus grains during periods of rising prices to prevent food inflation.Exporting excess stock to balance domestic supply while ensuring farmers receive fair prices for their produce.By purchasing grains from farmers at a minimum support price (MSP) during bumper harvests to prevent a price crash.By distributing grains through welfare schemes like the Public Distribution System (PDS) to ensure food reaches low-income households, maintaining food security.This stability is beneficial for companies involved in these sectors.For instance, companies that produce agricultural equipment might see increased demand as farmers look to boost their productivity in response to market conditions.NSE:M&M – Known for its tractors and farming equipment.NSE:ESCORTS – Manufactures tractors and other agricultural machinery.NSE:VSTTILLERS – Specializes in tillers and small tractors.NSE:GREAVESCOT – Produces farm equipment like power tillers.Infrastructure & LogisticsAs per Pradhan Mantri Garib Kalyan Anna Yojana, the government provides free food grains to about 813 million people. This way, the government is ensuring that food security remains a priority.This initiative require continued investment in logistics and infrastructure. This way, there is a creation of opportunities for companies engaged in these fields.We as a stock investor should pay attention to these sectors could lead to potentially lucrative opportunities.Consumer DurablesIt’s also essential to recognize that the management of food subsidies plays a crucial role in maintaining inflation levels. When food prices are kept in check through effective subsidies, it helps to control overall inflation in the economy.Lower inflation rates can foster a favorable environment for consumer spending and investment. Under a low and controlled inflationary environment, the economy is the ultimate beneficiary.For everyday citizens, this translates into a more stable economic environment, where they can plan their finances with more confidence.We as investors should note that, lower inflation rates benefit companies across sectors that rely on strong consumer spending. A few Indian listed companies to keep in our watchlist are as follows:ConclusionThe recent announcement of the food subsidy release by the government is a multifaceted issue with implications that extend far beyond just financial figures. It touches on themes of food security, consumer welfare, and market stability.By understanding the broader implications of such policies, we can appreciate their impact on our lives and the economy as a whole.For those who are new to finance or simply looking to understand how government policies affect their daily lives, recognizing these connections is essential.Staying informed about such developments can empower a stock investor to make better financial decisions.Whether it is budgeting for groceries or considering investment in business, being aware of correlations between government policy actions and their effect on business helps.

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