Life Update! If You Care About My Life Stuff….
2 min readThis is one of those posts that’s not for the casual reader, but if you are a long time reader who is interested in the non-Indian Film part of my world, UPDATE!
I’m trying to bury this very very far into the post for the sake of privacy/security, but I also want to post about it because I need moral support. So here is a random SRK photo for further space filling:
(he met John Cena???)
So here’s the thing, I am deeply deeply unhappy in my job and actively looking to work somewhere else. See why I had to hide this down down down in the middle of a post?
I’ve got over a decade of experience in Customer Success at an SaaS, if any of y’all have leads for me, or tips, or advice, I would appreciate it VERY VERY MUCH. And also, this is part of the reason I’ve slowed down on posting a little bit, I’m spending time re-writing my resume and blah blah instead of blogging. But SHHHHHH! It’s a secret!!! But only sort of! Ugh, I can sense the more legalistic of you reading this and freaking out and going “Margaret! Take down the post! It’s too dangerous!” But I like telling you all things! And I need moral support and I can’t get it from many places in Real World because of the whole “secret” thing.
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