September 16, 2024



Vaibhavi Katiyar cracks Chicago Booth MBA with GMAT 710 Only!

6 min read
Vaibhavi Katiyar cracks Chicago Booth MBA with GMAT 710 Only!

Who is Vaibhavi Katiyar?
Vaibhavi Katiyar is a highly motivated, dedicated, sharp and focused individual. She joined the ranks of students who utilised the professional intellect of GyanOne to achieve her inspiring dreams of a MBA in USA. Her dream degree was a Chicago Booth MBA. Here’s a success story that speaks to the lives of countless students who have dreamt of going abroad, to achieve a prestigious MBA degree, and open up new spheres of employment and growth.

Having graduated in 2018 from IIT Roorkee in Chemical Engineering, Vaibhavi displayed strong academic fervour. She also actively participated in her collegiate societies for news dissemination as well as in a managerial position for finance and sponsorship in Sangram- showcasing her meritorious skills and capabilities apart from academics.
Right out of graduation, Vaibhavi soon landed a role as Global Planning Analyst in ExxonMobile, where she worked for over a year in Bengaluru. In September 2019, Vaibhavi shifted to Procter & Gamble in the position of Project Manager for Product Supply. Here she worked for over 3 years. These honed her skills in data analytics and management as well as product design and distribution and provided her with crucial work experience.
Soon, Vaibhavi figured out that she wanted to go for a high rated MBA degree in a prestigious B-School to gain additional skills and work expertise so as to broaden her career prospects and open herself up to more increased and more advantageous employment opportunities as well as momentous career growth. It is here that her journey began with GyanOne- a top MBA consultancy.  
GyanOne leads the path again
Applying for an MBA overseas is a very difficult procedure. By enhancing Vaibhavi’s abilities and identifying her limitations, we were able to cover all the bases and overcome all the obstacles in our path. Vaibhavi Katiyar submitted applications to full-time MBA programmes in the USA as a highly driven and successful professional with a good educational background and significant work experience. 
Vaibhavi reached out to GyanOne for advice and help. Although she had done excellent research, she needed assistance selecting schools and with the applications process. In order to choose, apply to, and enrol in top MBA programmes abroad, Vaibhavi contacted GyanOne. Because she was anxious about the procedure, she sought professional help to streamline it. This would ease her trouble, and increase the likelihood that she would be admitted to the schools that would be the best fit for her. At GyanOne, we think that different MBA programmes are best for different candidates, and that it is never too late or difficult to begin the application process. We set out on a journey with that mindset.
Streamlining the Process
Vaibhavi Katiyar was a future-focused person who was overflowing with ambition and desires. She was unable to select among the variety of universities she explored since she wanted the best for herself in all areas. GyanOne’s main objective was to identify and present her with the best schools while also analysing which ones best matched her objectives, plans, and aspirations. Vaibhavi’s top schools that she wanted to apply to and get into were narrowed down and finalised with the help of the highly regarded staff at GyanOne, who worked tirelessly to create a solid plan of action for her.
Simplifying the Variant Application Processes
The next challenge was to streamline the many schools’ disparate application processes. Not only did the systems and criteria vary between schools on other continents, but they also did inside the United States. Each school also had its own norms and cultures. Vaibhavi’s questions about these fundamental variations among all the schools were clarified by the GyanOne team, and they also gave her access to a variety of facilities so she could put forth her best effort, present herself in the applications in the most lucrative and appealing manner possible, and be a strong candidate for the applications committee. Vaibhavi was able to write engaging narratives that highlighted her experiences and goals because of GyanOne’s comprehensive understanding of each institution’s guiding principles. 
Prepping for Interviews
Vaibhavi was able to land interviews at numerous of his ideal MBA programmes thanks to substantial help and direction. No MBA admissions process is complete without a positive interview outcome. Vaibhavi needed to be trained or prepared for a successful interview. Because we are aware of how crucial interviews are to the admissions process, Team GyanOne provided Vaibhavi with extensive interview training. Together with GyanOne, she practised simulated interviews that replicated real-world scenarios. She received constructive criticism, and learned how to answer difficult queries. These methods and instructions helped her feel more confident. This allowed Vaibhavi to make a good impression on the admissions committees of the prestigious universities she applied to. 
Glowing GMAT scores
With a GMAT score of 710, Vaibhavi was also able to overcome a challenging obstacle, making her application stand out from the competition. The result was joyous and overwhelming! Vaibhavi got into University of Chicago Booth School of Business’s MBA Programme! Here at team GyanOne, we were overjoyed by her successes and could not be any more proud.
How YOU can get into Chicago Booth MBA
Many lessons can be learned from Vaibhavi’s journey to University of Chicago Booth School of Business. One of them is the idea that effort always pays off, but that effort made with intelligence facilitates the process. If you’re committed to something and want to succeed in it, you need to work hard with all of your might as well as wisely with your brain. Lacking a defined strategy or objective, working hard blindly won’t get you anywhere.
Second, it’s important to be open and clear about your goals and aspirations before entering a new period of your life. Vaibhavi understood that obtaining an MBA would further her career, but he was unaware of the requirements. She sought assistance when necessary to identify a clearer path towards her goals. Hence, you should have confidence in and ambition for your life’s objectives. You must furthermore prove in your applications that you deserve the seat you are working so hard to earn.
Another excellent lesson is to always seek out professional assistance if it is offered. Vaibhavi received assistance from Team GyanOne throughout her applications and interviews. There is a reason why people value professionals. It’s because they can frequently give you a fresh outlook and perspective as well as a different method to navigate your journey.
Last but not least, it’s crucial to grow from your mistakes and give your absolute best in whatever you do. Vaibhvai asked for our help, but she also made her own efforts. Her high GMAT score and capacity to internalise all that was taught to her to enhance her talents demonstrate her tenacity and goal-focused attitude.
Vaibhavi Katiyar’s success is a credit to her solid educational foundation, wide range of professional experience, tenacity, and diligence. Vaibhavi Katiyar is unquestionably well-positioned for ongoing success in her pursuits due to her tenacity and remarkable abilities. Her journey to Chicago Booth MBA serves as a symbol of GyanOne’s dedication to their clients’ desires. It demonstrates how even the most ambitious goals can become a reality with the right support. Vaibhavi’s journey also demonstrates the results of GyanOne’s individualised coaching. We at GyanOne are incredibly happy for our mentee. It delights us that we were able to lift another fantastic person towards their aspirations and objectives. . We encourage all students who wish to study abroad or do an MBA to reach out to team GyanOne ( .

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