July 26, 2024



Jacobians, Anti-Affine Teams and Torsion Points

1 min read

Amith Shastri K.
Assistant Professor ,College of Arts and Sciences and
School of Computing and Facts Science
About Writer:
Amith has 8 years of exploration experience in Arithmetic and has worked across the domain like algebraic geometry and group idea. Amith has carried out PhD from TIFR, Mumbai. He has two publications, Character on a homogeneous room and Jacobians, anti-affine teams and torsion details.
He began his occupation with TIFR as investigation scholar. Subsequently, he joined CMI in Siruseri as a postdoc ahead of becoming a member of Sai College. Whilst pursuing his Ph D, he has tutored in AFS and ATM schools and has taught undergraduates and graduate pupils through his postdoc at CMI.
Summary :
We give a criterion for the Jacobian of a singular curve X with at most ordinary n-point singularities to be anti-affine. In unique, for the situation of curves with solitary standard double point we exhibit a relation with torsion divisors. If the geometric genus of the singular curve is atleast 3 and the normalization is non-hyperelliptic and non-bielliptic, then except for finitely numerous instances the Jacobian of X is anti-affine. On top of that, if the normalization is a basic curve of genus atleast 3 then the Jacobian of X is usually anti-affine.

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